Tuesday, July 20, 2010

When You Can’t Find words, Use His

For those of you who feel inarticulate and silly when you speak: this is for you.
For those of you, (like me), who often feel confident in your well thought-out and articulate words, this is for you and me!

Everyone has talents and gifting unique to them. Until recently, I was convinced I have been blessed with the gift of “gab.” My mother tells me that before the age of two, I had a usual interest in “words” and how to use them and I was speaking very clearly at a shockingly young age.  This “gift” carried me through school, my career and most of my life. My ability to communicate is noticed, noted, praised and sought after. In fact, one of the most common statements made to me is, “I wish I could speak as well as you do.”

(Boy oh boy! Is that a recipe for a big head or what?!)

Lately, I have been stuttering, repeating myself or at a loss for words. I have noticed my mind has a “glitch” in it and my “articulate” words seem less and less frequent. This is pretty scary for someone who has made a life and a career on her ability to communicate! It is also painfully revealing.

Whether you realize its happening or not, pride in your natural gifts and talents can swell up in your heart until one day you realize that you believe you have all the answers and your way of communicating is the “best” way to communicate. I giggle awkwardly and nervously as I write this because I want to hang my head in shame. Who am I to take credit? Who am I to take any gift for granted? 

My instinct is to FIX it myself! So I made a game plan to read more, slow down when I speak, go back to Toastmasters, read the dictionary and see the neurologist! But the more I try, the more silly I feel when I speak. I find myself worrying about what to say, how to say it and fretting that I’ll screw it up. So, I have a new plan: do not speak at all.

Have you ever felt that way? Are there any out there who would describe themselves as inarticulate? You never know what to say or how to say it? Are you convinced that as soon as it leaves your mouth, it’s all wrong?  Well, the great thing about NOT talking is that you end up doing a lot more listening and observing. Last week, I was observing a friend of mine who is almost always quite. Brittany doesn’t say much but when she does finally speaks up, she talks about verses and gives you specific verses of encouragement. Almost every day, Brittany texts me with verses about God’s promises and EVERY time it has a profound affect on me.

Just today, Brittany was sharing how God speaks to her through the use of verses and when she prays for people, she sees verses over them. When she doesn’t know what to pray, she prays God’s word over them. Little did she realize what was now so glaring to me: “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” Mark 13:1

My friend Brittany says more with less by using Gods words, and not her own.
It is the words of God (NOT mine, not yours) that have eternal life, bring forth profound revelation, stir hearts and bring transformation.
John 5: 24 says, “Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that hears my words and believes him that sent me, has eternal life, and comes not into judgment, but has passed out of death into life. 25 Verily, verily, I say unto you, the hour comes, and now is, when the dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God; and they that hear shall live.”

All things said or done of our OWN accord will pass away but God’s words bring us abundant life and awaken our souls! Brittany emptied herself of any pride or self assurance in what she had to offer in such a way so God could use her. And when she speaks just one verse to someone who needs to hear it, she does MORE for the kingdom of God than a pastor’s entire well-thought-out-crafted-and-beautifully-articulated speech!

I find myself wishing to be more like Brittany: completely dependant on God’s words to get me through and not my own. So as we prayed together for God to empty us of US, I giggled gratefully. God gives and God takes away, I thought. And who am I that He would take the time to teach me so tenderly that His way is ALWAYS the best way.