“We can throw stones, complain about them, stumble on them, climb over them, or build with them.” -Warren Withlock Tweet
It would feel soooooo good to throw it. The outburst of energy would be a great stress relief and although my aim is horrible, I would be excited (at least for a moment) if I hit my target. It would feel goooooooood.
Hmmm...then again, remorse might set in. And my parents did teach me about the Golden Rule.
Do I complain about the stone? The new hardship? The obstacle?
"Why can't my path be smooth God?!"
Hmmm...then the ulcer would set in.
And if I'm not careful, I could easily stumble over one. Every done that? It is FUNNY as all get-out to watch someone trip on a rock when they were looking elsewhere. Most catch themselves, turnaround and cuss out the rock. (I'm laughing just visualizing it). I know. I need to work on my compassion.
Hmmm...but it's not so funny when it's me. With a big enough rock or even the smallest pebble, I could really get hurt: bust a knee, break a hip, hit my head.
Climb over them! Now there is a WISE concept! Go around it. Go over it. The point is...you are moving forward PAST it. In my personal life's experience, if I can find the clarity, presence and strength of mind to not be threatened by the stones in my life and move past them, I am the closet I've ever been to achieving my destiny. If there were 5 stages to achieve in life, this would be stage 5! Right?
Build with them.
[Enter in mind-blowing paradigm shift and revelation.]
I had never even THOUGHT of such a thing!
I have this visual of a field LITTERED with rocks. Even if we manage to climb over them, we may still run the risk of being exhausted by working so hard to maneuver such obstacles. We could still get hurt.
But gather them and BUILD a path? A shelter? Or even a monument? Have you ever thought about not just "making it through" (aka surviving) but leaving the place better than when you found it? Isn't that the very definition of making a difference with your life?
Oh...but here is how it gets even BETTER: In so doing, YOU leave better also.
Lets stop for a minute and see the obstacles in our lives and ask, "How can I build this into being a part of who I am and use it to build a monument to God using the impossible in my life?"
Translated? "I can't seem to control what I'm going through right now
1:2-4 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.
Gotta love those stones!!! So true though. It's what we do with the trials that will count in the end.